Idiom of the day :- Hobson’s choice

Idiom of the day :- Hobson’s choice

Usage, examples and definition of the Idiom :-

A situation in which there appears to be a choice when actually there is none at all A : Have you been to that chic new restaurant yet ? I’ve seen the menu and there seems to be lots of delicious food. B : Take my advice — don’t go. The menu looks very varied but it’s always Hobson’s choice. They never have anything available but fish and chips ! This expression was inspired by an Englishman called Thomas Hobson who lived in Cambridge during the early 17th century. He earned his living by working as  aliveryman, hiring out horses to many of the university students. To make sure that every horse was used equally Hobson invented a special system. when a customer came to the stables, Hobson insisted that he chose the horse nearest the door. So although there were in theory many horses to choose from, in reality there was only one choice !