Idiom of the day :- Button one’s lip

Idiom of the day :- Button one’s lip

Usage, examples and definition of the Idiom :-

‘There’s an important football game on television tonight,’ Mr. Bush said to his wife. ‘Could I ask you to button up while I watch it ?’ ‘Sure, I’ll be glad to button my lip — if you’ll agree to wash the dishes after supper,’ she replied. Both these slang expressions mean to keep quiet, to stop talking.

Idiom of the day :- In fine fettle

Idiom of the day :- In fine fettle

Usage, examples and definition of the Idiom :-

It’s not likely that you’ll find the word fettle ( it rhymes with kettle ) used anywhere else. It’s an old word meaning ‘condition’ or ‘state of mind’. For that reason, when a person is in fine fettle he is physically or mentally fit. ‘I’m looking and feeling in fine fettle this morning,’ Alex grinned.

Idiom of the day :- The apple of one’s eye

Idiom of the day :- The apple of one’s eye

Usage, examples and definition of the Idiom :-

If you say that someone is the apple of your eye, you mean that they are very important to you and you are extremely fond of them Penny’s only son was the apple of her eye.

Idiom of the day :- Have a memory like a sieve

Idiom of the day :- Have a memory like a sieve

Usage, examples and definition of the Idiom :-

A sieve is a utensil with many fine holes. A person accused of having a memory like a sieve is either unable to retain information or is very forgetful. ‘I’ll never learn French; I have a memory like a sieve.’ ‘I have a head like a sieve today. I’ve forgotten where I parked my car.’

Idiom of the day :- Humdrum

Idiom of the day :- Humdrum

Usage, examples and definition of the Idiom :-

Boring / ordinary / repetitive A : Betty Boring leads a really humdrum life. She spends twelve hours a day at the factory, putting chocolates into boxes. At the weekends she stays at home and watches television all day. B : That sounds very depressing. Why does she look so happy all the time ? A : Betty says it’s because she’s a humdrum person. The origin of this word is a mystery but it is thought to have a connection with hum which can describe a continuous unchanging sound and therefore imply that something is monotonous or uninteresting.