Idiom of the day :- Toy with the idea

Idiom of the day :- Toy with the idea

Usage, examples and definition of the Idiom :-

Teddy is toying with the idea of studying to be an engineer. That, of course, will be a few years away so he may change his mind between now and then. To toy with an idea is to think of one in an easy, light and speculative manner. ‘I don’t know. I may or may not want to be an engineer,’ Teddy said. ‘I’m just tyoing with the idea.’

Idiom of the day :- Plain sailing

Idiom of the day :- Plain sailing

Usage, examples and definition of the Idiom :-

Long ago when it was thought the earth was flat, plane sailing was a method of navigating at sea by treating the earth as if it were a plane. Somehow the expression became plain sailing, and it means to proceed without difficulty. ‘Te storm’s over. It should be plain sailing now, sir.’

Idiom of the day :- Fight fire with fire

Idiom of the day :- Fight fire with fire

Usage, examples and definition of the Idiom :-

‘Business is terrible and it’s your fault !’ Wigby cried as he stormed out of his office. Knowing his boss would soon calm down, Gustav decided not to fight fire with fire by arguing back. To fight fire with fire is to defend oneself with defiance or force when threatened or attacked.

Idiom of the day :- Break the ice

Idiom of the day :- Break the ice

Usage, examples and definition of the Idiom :-

Our Eskimo in the illustration doesn’t seem to understand that to break the icedoesn’t mean to knock someone’s house down. It means to do something friendly in order to overcome shyness or to ease tension in a social situation. ‘To break the ice, let’s invite our new neighbors to lunch.’

Idiom of the day :- A mixed bag

Idiom of the day :- A mixed bag

Usage, examples and definition of the Idiom :-

You’ll find a strange collection in a mixed bag. It could be a varied group of people, ideas, objects … just about anything. ‘That was a mixed bag of people at the conference.’ ‘This report is a mixed bag of opinions.’ ‘I didn’t go to the market so we’re having a mixed bag for supper tonight,’ Mother said.