Idiom of the day :- The sticker price

Idiom of the day :- The sticker price

Usage, examples and definition of the Idiom :-

‘This is sensational !’ Felix said as he struggled to remove a price marker from a large vase. ‘I just bought this wonderful vase. The sticker price was $900, but I bought it on sale for $599!’ The sticker price is the original or normal selling price of something, and even large items can be said to have a sticker price. ‘That’s true, I have a cousin who can get me a new car much cheaper than the sticker price, ‘Felix said.

Idiom of the day :- Not just a pretty face

Idiom of the day :- Not just a pretty face

Usage, examples and definition of the Idiom :-

‘Personally, I favor that girl in the middle to win,’ John said. ‘Her name’s Miss Leung, and as you can see she’s not just a pretty face.’ A girl characterized like thispossesses hidden skills, talents or intelligence. ‘See, she’s loaded with talent. If I were the judge I’d vote for her. She’s much more than a pretty face !’

Idiom of the day :- Vicious circle

Idiom of the day :- Vicious circle

Usage, examples and definition of the Idiom :-

Sequence of cause and effect with bad results. ex. “He had fallen into a vicious circle of drinking too much and then losing his job and then drinking even more.” 

Idiom of the day :- Give someone enough rope and he will hang himself

Idiom of the day :- Give someone enough rope and he will hang himself

Usage, examples and definition of the Idiom :-

If a person who is doing something wrong is allowed to continue his bad ways, it is said he will soon bring about his or her own defeat or destruction. That’s the meaning behind this idiom. ‘I told you not to cheat or tell lies,’ Officer Mutt said. ‘ Don’t you remember hearing me say, give Willy enough rope and he will hang himself ?’

Idiom of the day :- Cause tongues to wag

Idiom of the day :- Cause tongues to wag

Usage, examples and definition of the Idiom :-

If you’d like to see people moving their tongues rapidly in conversation, tell them a secret or pass on an interesting rumor. That usually causes tongues to wag or sets tongues wagging. That is, they talk and gossip about what they’ve heard. ‘The news of Betty’s engagement has certainly set tongues wagging.