Idiom of the day :- Do a hatchet job

Idiom of the day :- Do a hatchet job

Usage, examples and definition of the Idiom :-

A hatchet is a short-handled ax. To do or perform a hatchet job is (1) to say or write terrible things about someone or something; or (2) to remove great sections of a plan or story. ‘The critics did a hatchet job on Bob’s new book ( Criticizing ) ‘Saying it was too long, the editor performed a hatchet job on Sam’s newspaper article.’ (Removing )

Idiom of the day :- Drop a line

Idiom of the day :- Drop a line

Usage, examples and definition of the Idiom :-

Here’s a riddle: when does drop mean ‘to write’ and a line mean ‘a letter’? Answer : when it is used in the expression drop a line. ‘Dear Liz,’ the letter began. ‘I thought I would sit down and drop you a line. Now that I have, when are you going to drop me a line ?’

Idiom of the day :- Miles away (1)

Idiom of the day :- Miles away (1)

Usage, examples and definition of the Idiom :-

If a person answers a question incorrectly — and if his or her answer is very, very wrong — it can de described as being miles away. That is, the answer is nowhere near being correct. ‘No, no, no ! That’s not the answer to this. Your answer is miles away,’ Izzy frowned.

Idiom of the day :- Save one’s breath

Idiom of the day :- Save one’s breath

Usage, examples and definition of the Idiom :-

‘It’s too hot to work today,’ Eddie said. ‘Why don’t we ask the boss if we can have the afternoon off ?’ ‘Save your breath,’ his co-workers advised. Eddie asked the boss anyway, and she said the same thing. To save one’s breath means to say nothing, usually because one’s words have no value or will have no effect.

Idiom of the day :- In someone’s shoes

Idiom of the day :- In someone’s shoes

Usage, examples and definition of the Idiom :-

To understand how someone feels or thinks, we should try to be in their shoes. To bein someone’s shoes means to attempt to think as they think, or to put ourselves in the same situation that they are in. It may not be easy, but it’s a valuable thing to keep in mind. ‘My grades aren’t very good,’ Angela said. ‘If you were in my shoes, what would you do ?’ ‘Well, if I were in your shoes I would discuss the matter with the teacher,’ Teddy replied.

Idiom of the day :- A golden key opens every door

Idiom of the day :- A golden key opens every door

Usage, examples and definition of the Idiom :-

‘Look what I found!’ Albert cried. ‘Why, it’s a golden key!’ Officer Mutt observed. ‘It reminds me that a golden key opens every door,’ Albert smiled. ‘Yes, I think it will open a door for you at my nice jail, ‘ Mutt replied. Actually, the golden key here is money for it is  assumed that money will let a person do anything he wants.

Idiom of the day :- All of a piece with your clumsiness

Idiom of the day :- All of a piece with your clumsiness

Usage, examples and definition of the Idiom :-

‘Chadwick, you silly cat !’ Millie cried. ‘The way you keep bumping into things is all of a piece with your clumsiness !’ Millie is saying that Chadwick’s actions areconsistent with his nature of character. In other words, it is what you would expect from someone such as Chadwick. ‘Getting caught is all of a piece with me, too,’ Chadwick complained.

Idiom of the day :- Run the gauntlet of something/someone

Idiom of the day :- Run the gauntlet of something/someone

Usage, examples and definition of the Idiom :-

Suffer an attack/pressure/criticism A : Did you hear about Freda ? Apparently she had to run the gauntlet of dozens of newspaper reporters when she arrived at a charity dinner in a real fur coat. B : But lots of people wear real fur, why did they decide to pick on Freda. A : Well, the dinner was in aid of the local animal rights group ! Although gauntlet is an English word meaning glove, this expression has nothing to do with either England or gloves. It originates from the Swedish expression, gatlopp ( gata means gate and lopp means course ) which was a military punishment in the 17th century. Two lines of soldiers would stand facing each other and hit the punished man as he ran between them. Now running the gauntlet can refer to any situation which is unpleasant to bear because of the way you are treated.