Idiom of the day :- On a high horse

Idiom of the day :- On a high horse

Usage, examples and definition of the Idiom :-

Someone on a high horse can be difficult to deal with. ‘There’s an explanation for that,’ Hallaway said, ‘ because someone on a high horse is haughty and proud — and he may think he’s better than anyone around him.’ Hallaway should know : he’s been on his high horse ever since he got promoted. ‘Yes, I’m the boss of the riding club now,’ Hallaway declared.

Idiom of the day :- In black and white

Idiom of the day :- In black and white

Usage, examples and definition of the Idiom :-

In this idiom, black refers to words and white refers to the paper that they are written on. Very simply, then, when something is in black and white it is written or printed on paper. ‘Inever sign a contract without first looking carefuly at the conditions in black and white.’ Leon said.

Idiom of the day :- (Like) water off a duck’s back

Idiom of the day :- (Like) water off a duck’s back

Usage, examples and definition of the Idiom :-

Ducks aren’t bothered by water because the oil in their feathers keeps moisture from reaching their bodies. Any water that gets on them runs right off. That has given us this expression, which we use to say that we are not annoyed by something. ‘School doesn’t bother Mary. To her, doing homework is like water off a duck’s back.’ Someone criticized Teddy, but he isn’t bothered. ‘ What do I care ? It’s water of a duck’s back to me,’ he said.

Idiom of the day :- Bend Over Backwards

Idiom of the day :- Bend Over Backwards

Usage, examples and definition of the Idiom :-

When Joan first started teaching she was afraid that she would have a lot of trouble getting used to the kids and to the faculty. Her fears turned out to be unfounded, since everybody bent over backwards to help her. Everyone tried very hard to help her feel comfortable and adjust to the school.

Idiom of the day :- To Make A Long Story Short

Idiom of the day :- To Make A Long Story Short

Usage, examples and definition of the Idiom :-

Something someone would say during a long and boring story in order to keep his/her audience from losing attention. Usually the story isn’t shortened.